Site Maintenance

Now that you have spent time, money and energy on building your website, it doesn’t make sense to lose it to a hacker.

What I find about many entrepreneurs after handing over the keys to their new WordPress sites, is that they don’t keep it up to date. They think that updating their site regularly means to add a new blog post, or tweak the words on existing pages.


Updating your site means that you need to UPDATE various applications that make your site run.

What happens is that when your site was created on WordPress, there were themes and plugins developed that were likely as up-to-date as possible when they were initially installed. However, as time goes on, developers continue to modify and tweak their applications to make them better, faster and safer.

When these are NOT updated, this leaves opportunities for hackers to tip-toe through and cause grief and havoc with your site.

I’m not trying to scare you – I’m just speaking from experience. I was naive in the beginning, thinking that once my site was created, I didn’t have to update the updates. WRONG! I ended up facing the Black Panther – not cool!

That’s why I put together this service.

Get peace of mind knowing that I will be monitoring your site to ensure that it is up-to-date and there is also a backup (just in case we need to go back because something sneaked in).

Want to find out more about this service and get yourself protected?

Great! Just fill in the contact form below and I will be in touch.